Copywriting Dilemmas are normal for internet businesses
Released on: October 22, 2007, 9:58 pm
Press Release Author: Matt Bacak
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: But there are three major answers to any questions
Press Release Body: Copywriting has been around since the dawn of time. It has come in many forms, but over the years there have been strategies that have remained unchanged.
Copywriting Dilemma #1: Which is better, long copy or short copy? The debate rages on between long and short copy for both the offline and online venues. The winner is still long copy. Think about it this way. The ad is like a little salesman. A real person salesman would not stop talking to their prospect after 100 words. They wouldn't stop mid sentence. Selling in a fewer number of words or short speech like this is similar to short copy. A real person salesman would work differently. They would take as much time, and words, as it needed to sell to the prospect. This is why long sales copy works.
Copywriting Dilemma #2: Is there a difference between offline and online copy? The answer is yes and no. Here are a few examples. Both offline and online copy rely on direct response marketing techniques. Both offline and online markets respond well to long copy. For example, long sales letters work as well as long infomercials. The buying decision has the same structure for both the offline and online worlds. Take into account the format that people prefer. Some people like written copy while others like audio copy or video copy. Some people will accept and review all types of formats. Incorporate all these formats both offline and online. Whether selling online or offline worlds it still comes down to having a conversation with the reader. Copy should convince them to take action. That is the ultimate goal.
Copywriting Dilemma #3: Will copywriting every die out at the expense of technology? Copy is still the easiest way to get across the sales message. Having audio on the website and even videos is effective, but the copy is still the vehicle for sales message. Copy is the fuel behind the strategies of audio and video.
Learn the tricks of the trade and internet marketing tips from someone that has actually built wealth and not just written a book about it. Forget the past. It does not matter who they are or where they come from. Everyone deserves to be a millionaire.
Contact: Stephanie Bunn 2935 Horizon Park Drive Suite D Suwanee, GA 30024 (770) 271-1536 This site will also detail Copywriting, Long copy, Short copy, Direct response marketing, Audio, Video, Salesman
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